Articles on: Fastr (WiX)

Subscribers (WiX)

The Subscribers section allows you to track your subscribers. You can see who signed up and when, as well as filter your subscribers by tags if needed. You can also manually unsubscribe your subscribers and subscribe them back again, or delete altogether.

To get to the "Subscribers" section, you need to click "Home" section at the top left corner of your screen and then click the "Subscribers" section.


Once on the subscribers page, you will see:
Number of subscribers from each platform
Import & export options
add a subscriber

Subscriber search string
You can filter which subscribers you want to find: Subscribed date, Latest activity date, Channel, Email, Push, SMS, Viber
List of your subscribers (It will have the subscriber's name, email, subscribed date, phone number, channel used for subscription, latest activity and methods opted in)

By clicking the options on a subscriber, you will be able to edit or delete a subscriber.

If you click edit, a pop-up with the subscribers information will show and opted in methods will be shown in this pop-up window too

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Updated on: 15/08/2023

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